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Past Projects

Please select the following sectors to see past interpretation projects.

CI=Consecutive Interpretation, SI= Simultaneous Interpretation 

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Foreign Relations












  • Research visit by a research firm (CI) Subject: Mortgage backed securities

  • Research visit by a research firm (CI) Subject: Corporate tax reform

  • Research visit by a research firm (CI) Subject: SBIR

  • Meetings between transportation authorities (CI) Subject: REIT



Foreign relations

  • Speech by Governor of Okinawa (SI) Subject: US base relocation

  • Symposium hosted by US Think tank (SI) Subject: Future of US-Japan relations

  • Symposium hosted by US Think tank (SI) Subject: North Korea abduction issue

  • Meetings between Science and Technology Minister and various US governmental officials (CI) Subject: Security in the Asia pacific region

  • Meetings between Japanese national Diet members and US government officials (CI) Subject: Security cooperation, politics, economy, etc

  • Symposium by US Think tank (SI) Subject: Economic integration in Asia Pacific region

  • Workshop by Japanese Think tank (CI) Subject: International cooperation in disaster response

  • Symposium by US Think tank (SI) Subject: North East Asia contingency response

  • Meeting between former Japanese ambassadors and US government officials (SI) Subject: World’s economy and US-Japan economic relations

  • Symposium with a Japanese Defense Minister (SI&CI) Subject: Global security cooperation

  • Speech by former Governor of Osaka (SI) Subject: The future of US-Japan alliance






  • Webinar for an IT company (SI) Subject: Networking, Security, etc.

  • Meeting between Ministry of Defense and an IT company (CI) Subject: Cloud service

  • Users’ conference of a major IT company (SI) Subject: Usage of Cloud system

  • The Japan-US business conference (SI) Subject: Healthcare innovation

  • Telecomm companies meetings (CI) Subject: Cyber security in the private market

  • International conference (SI) Subject: International cooperation in Cyber security

  • IT internal company meeting (CI) Subject: Cyber security tools

  • Meetings between communication authorities and universities (CI) Subject: Cyber security at universities and research labs

  • Contractual negotiation between a major Japanese telecom company and a US telecom company (CI)

  • Presentation by a business consulting firm (CI) Subject: business matching online tool

  • Users’ conference for a major IT firm (SI) Subject: Cloud, cyber security, etc.

  • Postal services meeting (CI) Subject: IT system in the postal service

  • Multilateral conferences of communications authorities (SI) Subject: Internet governance, cyber security




  • Research visit of Japanese labor authority (CI) Subject: Personnel management

  • International conference among banks, labor unions, etc (SI) Subject: Labor condition and funding

  • Research visit of Japanese labor authority (CI) Subject: Women’s empowerment in the labor force

  • Research visit of Japanese labor union (SI) Subject: labor issues in US and Japan

  • Symposium run by US Think tank (SI) Subject: Women’s empowerment in the labor force




  • Meetings between US&Japanese Courts (CI) Subject: Oral argument

  • Research visit by Japanese court (CI) Subject: Jury system

  • Deposition (CI) Subject: Anti Trust case

  • Depositions for anti trust case (CI)

  • Depositions for patent infringement cases (CI)

  • Client-Attorney meetings for US Department of Justice investigation (CI)

  • Depositions for anti-trust cases at US Department of Justice (CI)

  • Client-Attorney meetings for anti-trust case (CI)

  • Client-Attorney meetings for patent infringement cases (CI)

  • Arbitrations for anti-trust cases (CI)

  • Settlement case between Japanese and American firms (CI)




  • Pharmaceutical regulatory authorities’ meetings (SI) Subject: Pharmaceutical product regulations

  • Meetings among several pharmaceutical companies (SI) Subject: Medical device regulations

  • Meetings among vaccination activists (CI) Subject: HPV vaccination

  • Depositions for patent infringement case (CI) Subject: Pharmaceutical product





  • Press Conference of Secretary of Defense and the Japanese Minister of Defense (SI) Subject: Bilateral relations

  • Symposium hosted by a Japanese Think tank (SI) Subject: North Korea

  • Meeting between US and Japanese military/defense branches (SI) Subject: Interoperability

  • International conference among the Chiefs of Defense of almost 100 countries (SI) Subject: Counter-terrorism

  • Staff talks between military branches (CI) Subject: US-Japan military exercises

  • Staff talks between military branches (CI) Subject: F35

  • Staff talks between military branches (CI) Subject: Logistical cooperation

  • Panel discussion hosted by US think tank (CI) Subject: Japanese collective self defense rights

  • Bilateral conference between top military officials (CI) Subject: U-Japan cooperation in security



  • Meetings between nuclear authorities (CI) Subject: Nuclear security

  • Japanese House of Representative members visit to US Nuclear power plant (CI) Subject: Nuclear power plant accident

  • Meetings between industry group and former White House official (SI) Subject: Energy source

  • Symposium by a think tank (SI) Subject: Civil use of nuclear power

  • Meeting between high level government officials (CI) Subject: US-Japan cooperation in nuclear safety

  • Meeting between high level government officials (CI) Subject: Nuclear security

  • Meeting between nuclear authorities (CI) Subject: Site security of nuclear power plants, risk assessment

  • Meeting between nuclear authorities (CI) Subject: Seismicity of nuclear power plants

  • Fact finding meeting between nuclear authority and Japanese political party (CI) Subject: Nuclear regulatory activities

  • Fact finding meeting between US nuclear authority and Japanese trade organization (CI) Subject: PRA

  • Meetings between science and technology policy authorities (CI) Subject: Nuclear fusion and space



  • International conferences among patent authorities (SI) Subject: System harmonization

  • Bilateral conference between patent authorities (SI) Subject: Patent examination quality

  • International conference among patent authorities (SI) Subject: IPO award system

  • CFO meetings among patent authorities (SI) Subject: Finances in the patent business

  • Multilateral statistics working group meetings (SI) Subject: Patent statistics

  • Meeting between two patent authorities (CI) Subject: Madrid protocol




  • Meeting between science policy authorities (CI) Subject: National policies in promoting R&D in Quantum Physics, Space, AI, IoT

  • Regular meetings participated by Japanese major research firm and US congressional and staff members, think tanks, etc. (CI) & (SI) Subject: International Linear Collider Project

  • Chemistry trade organization, Council Meeting (SI) Subject: Chemical product safety

  • Fabric manufacturing company, Member conference (SI) Subject: Infrared Technology

  • Minister of Education, culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Meetings with various educational entities (CI) Subject: AI & Education

  • Meetings between gas companies (CI) Subject: hydrogen pipelines

  • Research visit of Japanese gas company (CI) Subject: Energy saving technologies

  • Annual STS forum council meetings (SI) Subject: Science and Technology

  • Meetings between US & Japanese chamber of commerce (CI) Subject: Fuel cell technology

  • Meetings between science policy authorities (CI) Subject: International cooperation in space projects




  • Meetings between transportation authorities (CI) Subject: Business jet aircrafts

  • Symposium, (SI) Subject: Civil Aviation

  • Meetings between transportation authorities (CI) Subject: Bidding procedures in the transportation sector

  • Meetings between transportation authorities (CI) Subject: Automobile recall issues



  • Annual Prudential Spirit Award Ceremony, 2015-2020 (SI) Subject: Award ceremony

  • Consumer interviews, 2020 (SI) Subject: Automobile purchase

  • Meetings between postal services (CI)

  • Anti poverty conference (SI)

  • Focus group and marketing research interviews for SLR camera (SI)

  • Focus group and marketing research interviews for a food product (SI)

Foreign relations
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